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If you need the highest level of privacy and security, what software do you use to chat with people you don't trust?

Suppose you are active as a critical journalist and many governments are looking to track you down, or you have a paranoid personality, or you live in an unsafe country with an authoritarian government.

If you want to leave no trace of you, what messenger do you use in this situation?

1 Answer

by (140 points)

hey so first if u are a journalist use tails os its comes with use full softwares by defaluts
for chating u can use  and only those messageing app that use tor

pigin (defautl tails app) (u need a jaber accout so see documantation)

chartor (;

tox ( u need to istall this app on tails ) ; (

p, li { white-space: pre-wr) (recomened this one if u want  a voice call or vedio call )

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