Check our "SCAM VENDORS" category to be aware of scammers on DW. Also you can use "SEARCH" function to find scammers.
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in Scam Vendors ⛔ by
one more scam market by a 10 year old indian kid

3 Answers

true, got scammed on onion multishop.
by (220 points)
I have a question: Are there guaranteed markets? If you have, send the link
by (230 points)
I will explain in detail how the OnionMultishop and Hidden Answers scam works

1. *OnionMultishop* *: Amazon gift cards, PayPal Accounts, cloned and prepaid cards, Western Union Transfers.
You find it in some directories and its advertising on several pages but especially in HA, where you see good reviews, realistic situations, things you could expect
2. *Purchase* You enter the site, sober design, clear information, it looks professional and reliable, you choose the cheapest product in the store, a gift card “to try” the payment is made properly, you wait patiently a few hours, you decide to send an email, 24 hours go by, you send another, desperation takes over you, you already want to have your product or know if you have been scammed, 48, 72 hours go by, a week, two, three, a month, several emails asking for some sign, there was never any communication from the seller, no kind of response, there was no spam from the client to consider not responding, 3 months have passed since then, you lost your money, maybe $60 dollars or more, in some places it's not much, in others it's more than a foolish hope is worth

3. *Hidden Answers* *: The forum where they advertise, being a very elaborate scam, is full of fake accounts that claim to be OM customers, some give reviews of quick and successful transactions, others give reviews of problems and doubts (which I assure you you will have) but always with a positive resolution, this creates the false security that things may take time but everything will turn out well, all the reviews follow the same pattern, it is almost impossible to contact any of the customers asking for proof of their purchase, many times they never appear on the forum again and those who respond do not answer essential questions clearly, successful customers will skillfully question your intelligence, your judgment, other pages and reviews like this one, even your bravery.

4. **Blocking*: The most critical questions, answers and comments from the victims were deleted, indicating that it is not an open space for honest opinions. The owner of HA and OM may be the same or in close cooperation, and any comment that for some reason manages to evade the filter will be bashed by the fake accounts, cleverly disqualifying your arguments.

5. **Warning*: Please note that this is a very elaborate scam that generates a lot of money, believing yourself to be smarter than them will not help you, do not underestimate them, there are intelligent people in the world and even smarter people, unfortunately that ability is only used to harm others and live off their naivety and trust, use your judgment, do not believe anything you read on the dw, investigate and question, despite reading this review do not be scared, if $60 dollars does not mean much to you you still have the freedom to choose, never invest money that you are not able to lose.
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